Never to Old

I guess as they say you are never to old to learn new things. During this year I have learned a lot about life, and people. Ive learned that there are good spirited people still left in this world, and I have also learned that there are some bad spiritied people too. Friends that you have been with for years turn your back on you, even judging you when you needed them the most. I asked one of my friends why does Allah let such bad things happen to good people in his world, he said," Allah is the protector and maker of all living, and breathing things, but his creations are given free will in order to prove themselves worthy enough to be with "Him" in Heaven." Sometimes, when I see such horrible things going on in the world such as famine, rape, and wars I have to question my faith. I also asked this question to my mother a year ago, why is that a majority of wealthy people care nothing about the less fortunate? She said,"Men who have a Heaven on Earth, usually have made their bed in Hell." In these statements bring truth to me, I do not have a lot of Muslim friends in Nevada, I was Christian for eighteen years of my life and Im only nineteen years old now , so most of my friends are Christian. When I joined "", I thought thought this is so great I can be among other Muslims, and see their out look on life. But lately I have seen it as a negative pit, a place where people complain more about, then discuss good statements. Don't get me wrong their are some "Great" people there, and everything is not negative all the time. It's just sometimes I wander if I should stay, when I had originally joined Islamica I had certain people I use to talk to, then they left. After they left I began talking to other members, and what do you know they either left too or got banned. So, when another nice Islamican got banned recently I really had to start thinking is this the right place for me? So many questions. Maybe I only have my self to blame for joining in the first place, but I know most Muslim brothers and sisters do not act like. Well, I guess I just have to think and pray on this. Salaams.