Working Day and Night

Well, the job at CVS has been going ok. The manager is ok too, I guess you could say. She basically sits in a office all day doing nothing, while the rest of us clean, close up the store, and ring out the customers. My supervisor is a decent woman, she is a heavy smoker who has a mouth of a sailor(LOL), every time my boss leaves which is around six she begins to tell us stories about her life, and the cutomers of the store. I been working side by side with a girl named Amelia, she is nice, very quiet, but also very lazy at times. Let me tell you about the customers, the customers are very Very well-off, they live in these big two story houses on Black Mountain over looking the city, and every one of them either drives a BMW, Lexus, or some sort of SUV. Some of them are ok, but most come in with this attitude like "I know Im all that." They are quite interesting to watch, and by interesting Im reffering to their over the top "plastic surgery", and "botox". Besides working at the drug store, Im also all most done with my semester(Insha'Allah). Belive me it has not been easy, but it is well worth it. I will be quitting CVS soon as the regular school semester starts, I need to begin to concentrate more on school. Just three more courses! Salaams.
haha listening to peoples life stories..
a lot can be learnt but half of it is just them babbling on :p
thanks for coming to my blog, and inshah'Allah ikeep visiting here. Hayakum Allah.
May Allah grant you success in this life and in the next life.
Good to hear about you actually doing something in this world.
I'm very proud to have met you, even if it is on the internet.
hey asalam'alaykum! its fun to people watch sometimes :P
Not all of Las Vegas is bad, the strip area yes mostly. But the rest of Nevada has its good parts too, there are more mulims here than people actually know.
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