Monday, February 20, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentines Day

Well, its time for the second most commercialized holiday. Love, liberty, and Candy. Waste of money. Anyways, I have been buzy with you guessed it, classes, work, test. How lovely. I joined this African group, its called African Es Productions. I thinks thats how you spell it, the guy who is in charge of it his name is Deli, he is nigerian. He is really great at the drums, he does plays with African dance and songs. He is teaching us this song "Bami Jo Are E Bami Yo". It means come dance with me. I bringing my saxaphone to play, still got to figure out the notes. Well, thats been about it. Oh yeah, my room mate got me some nice valentines day asortments, including Lindors(my favorites) how nice of him. Well thats all for now got to get ready for work! Salaam.